Harry Potter, Dr. Who or is it Bilbo Baggins?

"The whisper we keep hearing in recent days is that the name of the lead star in Guillermo del Toro's "The Hobbit" will be announced next week at Comic-Con International" says Hero Complex, a kind of geek blog that lies within the L.A. Times. With Peter Jackson in attendance at the Con for the first time next week, it has become the logical fanboy premonition that we are going to find out something major about The Hobbit, especially with del Toro and Jackson repeating over and over again over the last few months that they know the man they want for the part. The names put forward by the blog do raise some eyebrows though. Dr. Who'sDavid Tennant, Harry Potter himself Daniel Radcliffe, the always spoken about James McAvoy and er, Jack Black.david-tennant460_1208355c Apparently Tennant, who is a name I have never previously thought of for the part will be in attendance at the Con next week for the first time also (promoting the upcoming Dr. Who feature) which is why his link is getting a little bit of momentum. Though isn't he too tall, too skinny to be a hobbit? An Elf is surely going to be his calling in a Tolkien feature, wouldn't you say? Tennant and Radcliffe, two icons of other cult characters make them as viable choices a little hard to stomach. The same guy who is still playing Harry Potter playing Bilbo Baggins, just seems wrong. And the over-rated McAvoy is always going to be behind Martin Freeman and Michael Sheen for me. Don't know where the Jack Black link came from (I remember once, some quarters were touting him for The Joker) but his name seems filler because they couldn't think of anyone else. Here's the voting grid, at the time of writing.... bilbo-vast


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.