Harry Potter: The Progressively Harder Severus Snape True Or False Quiz

Just like following a potions recipe, this quiz might sound easy but it's not.

Severus Snape
Warner Bros.

One of the most complicated characters in the Wizarding World is Severus Snape.

A master of potions, Snape has the ability to strike fear into the hearts of his students with his cutting remarks and threats of poisoning. He longed to become the Defence Against The Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts but instead found his home in the Hogwart's dungeons as a teacher of potions.

Out of all the Heads of Houses, Snape was the one who showed the most favouritism to his own. Snape would rarely give his own students detention and took the opportunity to deduct points from students of other houses any time he could.

His dislike of Harry was made deeper by his hatred of James Potter. Viewing Harry as just like his father, Snape struggled to see past his childhood enemy. Despite this, his perpetual love of Lily Potter meant that he spent much time trying to protect Harry. He never wanted harm to come to her son, who shared her green eyes.

We've put together a quiz that will test your knowledge on Severus Snape. All you have to do is decide if the statement abut Snape is true or false.

Just like following a potions recipe, this quiz might sound easy but it's not.

1. Snape Was A Pure Blood Wizard.


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