Harry Potter: The Progressively Harder Slytherin House Quiz
Are cunning and smart enough to get all of these Slytherin house questions correct?

Out of the four Hogwarts houses, Slytherin is most famous for producing Dark wizards. Known for their ambition and determination, students of Slytherin are usually full of self-preservation and pride.
Perhaps it is these characteristics that make them often choose the darker wizarding path. The darkest wizard of all, Tom Riddle a.k.a Lord Voldemort, was a Slytherin.
Despite this reputation for their students being fascinated with the dark arts, there were some members of Slytherin who proved in the end to be good. We see how Severus Snape and his love for Lily Potter made him ultimately turn his back on He Who Shall Not Be Named and go undercover for the Order of the Phoenix.
With a rich history and famous students, only the biggest Harry Potter fans will know everything there is to know about Slytherin.
Are cunning and smart enough to get all of these questions correct? With each one being harder than the next, only those who are most worthy of Slytherin House will get 100%. How will you do? Let's find out!
Don't forget, the all of the answers will magically appear at the end of the quiz.