Has Captain Marvel Finally Found A (Surprising) Director?

Marvel might be going indie for their next hire...

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Thanks to some seriously impressive sleuthing by a fan (via ScreenGeeks), it looks like some hints have been uncovered in the great Captain Marvel mystery.

Despite months of speculation and apparent near-misses, Marvel's big female-centric Phase 3 movie is conspicuously absent of any talent, beyond the screenwriting team. But that might well be changing.

According to ScreenGeeks, the Sherlock Holmes-like fan has been connecting dots on social media after closely following the production. The first clues came from The Wrap's Jeff Sneider, who said one of the actors in consideration for the lead role was someone who had been mentioned before, and that the director shared the same first name.


Then screenwriter Nicole Perlman - one half of the Captain Marvel writing team, with Meg LeFauve - started following someone who fit precisely that tease: indie film-maker Emily Carmichael. After all, Emily Blunt has long been linked with a Marvel role, including Carol Danvers, so that would fit Sneider's clue.

And not just that; two weeks ago, Carmichael herself then posted on Instagram, offering another tantalising little morsel:


The post doesn't look particularly interesting either way, but the caption originally read "on my way to a Disney meeting", but has been changed to the far more confusing "I look a way", which makes precisely no sense. Like most Instagram captions, actually.


Basically, Illuminati confirmed.

Carmichael would be a strange hire - in terms of her almost total lack of mainstream profile - but then Marvel like to hire unexpectedly. What they'll be looking for is for someone who can match the tone of the existing MCU and who can use Marvel as a launch-pad - a little like the way Pixar give directing jobs to emerging talents.

This comes hot on the trail of the Russo brothers accidentally - but not surprisingly - announcing that Captain Marvel would be in Infinity War.

What do you think? Should Marvel hire Carmichael? Or should they look to more experience? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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