Hellboy: 10 Comics You Should Read Before Seeing The New Movie

1. Hellboy: The Storm And The Fury

Hellboy Comics
Dark Horse

In the final part of the Queen of Blood story, Hellboy battles Nimue's army of witches and must choose whether to embrace his destiny as the heir to King Arthur, and lead an army of the risen noble dead of England, or embrace his destiny at the head of the army of Hell with which he could completely defeat Nimue.

Nimue, meanwhile, reveals her backstory as the former apprentice of the wizard Merlin (who appears in the movie played by The Bisexual's Brian Gleeson, so expect some version of this same villain origin), who learnt his secrets only to trap him, before being driven mad with dark power.

Eventually, Hellboy must make a deal with the Baba Yaga and give her his eye (he'd taken hers in a previous story) in order to sneak past Nimue's army. Alice, meanwhile, takes refuge in a pub owned by an aged repentent witch and First World War veteran. Between the lot of them, they team up to fight Nimue, who has turned into a dragon and a vessel for the world-ending chaos gods: the Ogdru Jahad.

That's a lot to work with and probably every aspect won't be translated over into the movie, especially as Hellboy's support team in this movie is a little different from the comics, but a clash between Hellboy and crew and Nimue in dragon form seems a pretty likely finale.


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