The Hobbit: 10 Deaths To Expect In The Battle Of The Five Armies

7. Radagast

Take a spin around the Internet in search of clues towards Radagast's cinematic fate and you'll find a common consensus that his staff is the same one that Gandalf is introduced with in The Fellowship of the Ring. In Tolkien's works, Radagast only makes fleeting appearances, often mentioned more than actually seen; he even plays an unseen role early on as an oblivious tool through which Saruman lures Gandalf to Isengard and, later, is the catalyst through which the Eagles rescue him. After the War of the Ring, Radagast goes missing and his ultimate fate is left unknown. With his staff in Gandalf's hands -- a theory proven all the more concrete by snapshots from trailers for the final film -- it seems that Jackson may have a different fate in store for Radagast that would do a lot to help explain to general audiences why the nervous, nature-loving wizard never showed up or garnered a mention in the original trilogy while giving him a concrete send-off that could easily color Gandalf's appreciation of the small things in life. We fully expect Radagast to die during the attack on Dol Guldur by Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond and others in their attempt to stop Sauron's restoration of power and for the Grey Wizard to take up his staff in his honor.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!