You know how much chance
Die Hard 5 has of being any good? About as much chance as Nelson getting his eyeback (or it's long ago lead regaining his hair!). The reason?
Bruce Willis. Ever since his two spectacular dramatic performances for M. Night Shyamalan in The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, he has decided to play the 'Bruce Willis' card in every motion picture he has made since, with very few exceptions. Basically he is the star of the show on set and everyone does exactly what he says, otherwise he walks. He decides start and finish time, he decides how to perform in every scene and if he think the script is bullshit, he will tear it up, change it up and not work until he is happy with it. Listen to the majority of directors who have worked with him in the last ten years, specifically
Kevin Smith's re-telling of his experiences on Die Hard 4 and Cop Out. You would be a very brave man to think you could tame Bruce in this environment. Which is precisely why Hollywood hack
John Moore, whose CV reads like a depressing roll-call of sub-par mediocrity flicks Behind Enemy Lines, Max Payne and two remakes - Flight of the Phoenix & The Omen, has just signed on to direct the currently untitled fifth movie in the John McClane franchise. Not
Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive) or
Joe Cornish (Attack the Block) who were shortlisted, hungry young directors who wouldn't put up with it, but John Moore - a cheap and cheerful guy who clearly doesn't care about the integrity of his CV to helm a fourth sequel and comes in at an affordable wage, and will essentially be Willis' bitch on set.
Deadline confirms the hiring saying in the end it came down to Moore and
Gary Fleder (Kiss The Girls, Runaway Jury),
Paul MuGuigan (who worked with Willis on Lucky Number Slev7in) and
Mikael Hafstrom (1408, The Rite) but it's Moore's promises to use practical action effects and as little CGI as possible that won him the job and his love for the character of John McClane. Well I guess that's something then.

Written by Swordfish & X-Men Origins: Wolverine writer (yeah, things don't get much better do they?)
Skip Woods, the 20th Century Fox movie is rumoured to take Willis and his two sons to battle a problem in Russia (where Willis has recently secured a lucrative ad deal with a Russian bank which tells you everything you need to know about this) and no doubt it'll be so outlandish, Bruce Willis may end up having superpowers by the end of it. Don't expect much from Die Hard 5.... this won't be a return to the awesomeness of the John McTiernan movies. You will be sitting in the theatre in the summer of 2013 wondering just what the hell Bruce Willis has done to this series. Expect Die Hard 5 to shoot next year. Right now Willis is busying making a fortune from action films
The Expendables 2 and
G.I. Joe 2. Oh and we are told after he has made Die Hard 5 in Russia he will move on to the sequel to
RED, which is something else I don't need to see and Willis is now working closely with Summit Entertainment to try and find a director for that as original helmer Robert Schwentke is busy with R.I.P.D. with Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges at Universal. The Crazies and Sahara helmer Breck Eisner is said to be a possibility. You know they may as well just hire John Moore again and be done with it.