9 Ways Batman V Superman Has Doomed The DC Extended Universe

1. It ShowsYou Can Really F*ck This Stuff Up

Warner Bros
Warner Bros

There is no acceptable excuse for Batman V Superman being this bad. That nobody put their hand up and pointed out that the story made no sense, the characterisation was faulty, the script was atrocious or that it was a bit of a drag is an absolute joke, especially given how this can't even be dismissed asa case of moviemakingby committee;there are clear elements of studio pressure, like the wanton Justice League set-up, but on a base level this is just a poorly made film that inexplicably made itsway into cinemas.

With sequels and franchises the big money makers in Hollywood, it's no longer a law of diminishing returns - look at how Fast & Furious or Mission: Impossible keep chugging along - so I will admit it'sconceivable DC will deliver some good films down the line, but they've already proven their name isn't a guarantee of quality.And that's what it all comes down to.

Whilethere are countless reasons why the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become a cultural behemoth, one of the most important is consistency; yes, Iron Man 2 wasn't great, but that early hiccup aside the films have never dipped into poor territory - Thor: The Dark World is bland, but it's not bad. DC may be able to claw back everything else, but consistency is one thing they'll never achieve; not only have theystarted with their worst foot forward (oh please let this be their worst), they've proven that, even on a film not dogged by constant rumours of coked-up directors and meddling studios, you can really f*ck up a 2010s comic book movie.

The DC Extended Universe is off to a terrible start and Warner Bros. have their work cut out to make it anything approaching respectable. Although, to be honest, after Batman V Superman, who really wants them to?

What do you think of the future of the DC Extended Universe? Share your thoughts down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.