9 Ways Batman V Superman Has Doomed The DC Extended Universe

3. There's A Totally Unclear Tone Between Movies

Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.

Of course,Suicide Squad will be striking a different tone to Batman V Superman; since the Comic-Con First Look, its marketing has taken an off-kilter cue from Guardians Of The Galaxy, with sadism and day-glo meshed together. But it seemsthat difference in approach is only going to get more pronounced; those involved in other DC movies have wasted no time at all in coming out andtrying to distance their movies from theuniverse starter.

A first image of Wonder Woman hit the web less than 24 hoursbefore Batman V Superman, promising a brighter, more fantastical Amazonian society andonly a day after releaseJames Wan statedthat Aquaman would be "very fun", in direct contrast to the movie stinking up cinemas. All this despite the original footage of Wonder Woman from Dawn Of The Justice League slotting into Snyder's wheelhouse and the only proper image we have of Jason Momoa's character being incredibly moody.

There's a pointed desire to distance everything from Batman V Superman that's developed in the past week, which makes sense, but obviously means we're going to get a series of films that only vaguely slot together stylistically.

The notionof DC films being director-led (in contrast to Marvel's more producer-oriented approach) has been around for a while, so this was always somewhat the case, but the artistic failure of Dawn Of Justice means it's going to be more for reactionary reasons than creative ones.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.