How Close Are We To The 2015 Of Back To The Future?

6. Smart Homes The future McFly home is essentially the smart home that we€™re working towards today, albeit with a bit more Bakelite and some questionable decor choices, but the voice command, biometric access and identification and automated lighting all have a distinct whiff of the 21st century house. Whilst these technologies are still not as commonplace as they appear in the movie, we€™re certainly headed that way in the next ten years or so as we fill our lives and homes with technology ranging from the labour-saving Roomba to the selfie-taking fridge. BTTF resisted the urge to put a humanoid €œbutler bot€ in the homes of the 21st century in favour of integrated technology, and they were pretty much spot on. The smart home of the future, in lieu of Marvin the Paranoid Android, is likely to be device based, with several specialist systems for different tasks. This could take the form of swarm robotics, AI integration and remote control from your smartphone or wearables. Sounds futuristic, but the future is now.

Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.