How Did Neil Patrick Harris Predict The Oscars? - 5 Possible Solutions To His Magic Trick

4. He Only Showed What He Got Right

Part an extension of Harris guessing the ceremony's events with a bit of influencing them himself, this essentially works as a failsafe if things didn't go to plan, making the trick's failure impossible. Even for an Oscar envelope, the one containing Harris' predictions was a bit strange, unravelling point by point. Obviously this makes for a more satisfying reveal, but could it actually be the biggest part of the trick? What if within that envelope there was a massive list of predictions and Harris only showed the ones that he knew had come true? Maybe there were other humorous observations - something related to Richard Linklater winning Best Director, perhaps - that weren't mentioned because they obviously didn't happen.Some force was clearly needed to open each flap, which could easily have been a distraction tactic on Harris' part so he could make sure he was only showing the guesses he got right. This one's on the crazy side, but a safe enough trick that you can believe Harris actually committing to it.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.