How Marvel Ruined The Perfect Avengers 4 Title

1. Why Avengers, Assemble Was Perfect

Avengers Assemble
Marvel Comics

Weirdly, when The Avengers was renamed in the UK and Ireland, it didn't go down well at all. The Guardian called it the worst title ever and people got really confused about what it was actually called and what punctuation was supposed to be used. Word of God (well, Kevin Feige at least) says it was Avengers Assemble, so that's good enough for you.

So it was a decision wasted even on the only people it affected. And that's even more frustrating because right now, Avengers Assemble - or more specifically Avengers, Assemble would be perfect in the wake of Thanos' snap.

Think about it: the Assemble slogan is one taken straight out of the comics - a rallying call from Captain America to bring the heroes together when they're needed. Kevin Feige might have called the catchphrase "cheesy overtime," but this would be the perfect time for that to be a rallying point.

The story of Thanos' defeat will be about unity and fighting together in the face of adversity. It will be about sacrifice for the cause and for each other and it will be about the extrapolation of lots of key moments in the MCU to date. It will be the 360 shot from the Avengers; it will be Groot sacrificing himself for his friends and the Guardians holding hands to defeat Ronan; it will be Steve Rogers giving up everything for Bucky; T'Challa opening his doors to protect his heroes; Doctor Strange giving himself up to save everyone else...

It will be about taking the individuals who survived and assembling them into something more potent, more powerful and more of a threat to Thanos through their unity. And it will fit with the idea, even more pertinently, that Thanos was FORCED to isolate himself (through the sacrifice of Gamora) and will be undone by a collective made of love and defiance.

In other words, in order to defeat Thanos, there will be some Assembly required. And it's almost like the perfect title for that was RIGHT THERE.

Thanks, Mr Steed.

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