The Creature from The Black Lagoon

This one is perhaps more straightforward than the others- this is a cult sci-fi horror from the 50s. There is some popularity, not on Dracula or Frankenstein levels, but enough that a percentage of the audience would know the look of the creature, or the basic story- basically, many would go in with certain expectations and have them exceeded. This is more like The Mummy, or even The Invisible Man, in that it is less about Victorian Gothic, and more about science or less about dread and sheer terror. The best way to play this is in an Indiana Jones sort of way, or how Edgar Wright has both affectionately mocked and credibly added to the Zombie and Action movie canons. Fully realize a 50s world of McCarthyism and cheesiness. This is one of the lighter affairs, not so serious and not so scary. This needs a director with some background in horror with can genuinely scare people but transcend potentially one-dimensional characters like the scientists and the creature itself, and chuck in gore when necessary that adds to the thrills- someone like Neil Marshall based on the terrifying The Descent and the hilarious Dog Soldiers. The movie is a throwback to pulp, and needs an iconic but familiar sound- Alan Silvestri is the man in my mind, especially based on his work on Predator, Back to the future and Captain America. The Creature in the original was literally a bloke in a costume, so in order to make us empathise with the titular creature, we need an expressive face and physicality. The obvious answer may seem to be someone more famous like Doug Jones, but I recommend Julian Bleach- he has created some incredible three-dimensional monsters in his time under prosthetics, especially his portrayal of Davros in The Stolen Earth/Journeys End.