10 Ways Film Geeks Can Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

10. Stick It Out In The Cellar

Practically speaking, this is actually a fairly poor choice. Cellars tend to only have one point of exit or entry, so if things get a bit fraught and the undead start enquiring as to whether they might just pop down and nibble on any odds and ends of brain you might have kicking about then you€™re stuffed. However, the whole siege warfare thing is a big trope in the zombie-verse, and if you take appropriate precautions then it can work out pretty well. Only head down into the cellar if you know that the zombies you€™re facing are photosensitive and you reckon you can last out the night, or if you€™ve got a secret second exit as per Shaun Of The Dead. It works for Ben in Night of the Living Dead, but he then goes and makes the mistake of being a black guy in the deep south of America in the 1960s and ends up getting shot anyway. Silly Ben!

Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.