How Well Do You ACTUALLY Remember Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker?

Taking one last attempt, Sir, at this quiz!

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

Star Wars over the years has become quite a divisive franchise. There is no longer a creation to do with the series now that doesn't spill out into heavy debate across the internet, spawning heavy criticism and adoration in equal measure. Star Wars Episode IX: Rise Of Skywalker is the latest and final movie in the Skywalker saga to do so.

Following up from the intensely slated eighth installation, The Last Jedi, it was up to J.J. Abrams to take his spot back at the wheel and set right this intergalactic ship back on course. Arguably the damage was already done and with many fans prepared to go into the movie to hate it, it would be quite a monumental task to do so.

But alas, the story came to an end. Just as expected it divided audiences, but one common factor we all share is that we definitely didn't and couldn't miss it!

But how much attention were you paying to it? How much do you ACTUALLY remember of Rise Of Skywalker?

Answers at the end!

1. Following The Movie Title, What Is The First Sentence Of The Opening Crawl?


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