Hugh Jackman: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. Keller Dover €“ Prisoners (2013)

Which at this point is kind of Jackman's stock in trade. Makes it all the more interesting, then, when he takes a break from the genre where he's so effectively shown his skills and tries something a little different. Prisoners is one of two highly engaging, inventive little thrillers put out by French-Canadian director Denis Villeneuve in 2013, along with Jake Gyllenhaal psychological drama Enemy. Where the latter threw in with some loosely sci-fi concepts €“ which is probably what sinched Villeneuve the director's job for the somewhat dubious upcoming Blade Runner sequel €“ Prisoners is a straight crime drama. In that it's set squarely in reality, anyway, since the plot is home to some of the more shocking twists of recent years. And again, most of that hinges on Jackman as Keller Dover, the struggling suburban dad whose young daughter goes missing on Thanksgiving; when Gyllenhaal's detective lets loose the main suspect, Jackman's character takes matters into his own hands, with morally iffy and disturbing results...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at