Hugh Jackman: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Wolverine €“ Every X-Men Film (2000-2014)

In many ways, Hugh Jackman isn't particularly good casting as Wolverine. Once upon a time, during a ill-fated attempt at bringing the X-Men to the silver screen back in the eighties, Bob Hoskins was floated as the main contender to play Logan. And, based on the comic book version, Hoskins is actually better suited: he was short, hairy, and adept at playing angry, socially maladroit types. Jackman, meanwhile, is a stout six foot, tends to be fairly well groomed, and comes off as one of the most charismatic and genuinely warm people working in the entertainment industry. In fact, even when Bryan Singer's first X-Men movie began shooting, Jackman wasn't the first choice: it was supposed to Scottish actor Dougray Scott. If you're saying €œwho?€, well, that's testament to what a bad choice Scott made in leaving the role. Wolverine made Jackman the star he is today, and vice versa; the X-films became all about Logan, by sheer force of how good the actor's performance was, his bringing a flat funnybook archetype to vivid life with increasing complexity belying what are cheesy superhero films. It's no coincidence that he's been in every single X-Men film since, if only for a cameo in First Class. Wolverine is how he'll be remembered, and that's not bad thing. It could certainly be worse...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at