Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 - 10 Reasons It Sucks (And 2 It Doesn't)

1. Anti-Climactic Ending

Any movie that ends with what amounts to "to be continued..." is always going to irritate people. Just look at The Matrix Reloaded, which features one of the most infamously obtuse and groan-inducing sequel hooks of all time. The mega-abrupt climax to Catching Fire was itself accompanied by eye-rolling in cinemas the world over, and expect that to go double for this film. The film ends, of course, with Peeta's rescue and the discovery that he has been hijacked by the Capitol, turned into a weapon in an attempt to kill Katniss. The final shot has Katniss observing Peeta as he struggles in the medical bay, restrained to a bed. Katniss' face reflects on the glass and the film cuts to black. Credits roll. It's difficult for a movie of this type not to be anti-climactic, but given how little progress through the book the film actually made, it's a fair complaint. Where the split would occur was a major point of contention ahead of the movie's release, and many are likely to feel that the split should have come significantly later in the book, such as during the intense bombing sequence later on. But in the interest of fairness, not everything in the movie was a complete let-down, so here are 2 aspects of the movie that actually worked for the most part...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.