Hysteria Trailer Review - Romantic Comedy About Invention of the Vibrator!

Single mothers, spinsters, curious teenage girls and any woman who has ever experienced loneliness rejoice! For the movie you have all been waiting for is here.

Single mothers, spinsters, curious teenage girls and any woman who has ever experienced loneliness rejoice! For the movie you have all been waiting for is here. I know, I know, it seems bizarre that Hollywood have waited this long to turn the origins of your favourite bed time pal (or bedroom ornament to the kids) in to a movie, but now you have it in the form of a supposed romantic comedy €˜Hysteria€™ which is all about the real life conception of the first female vibrator as a cure for the title condition, a common diagnosis in the 19th century. Now I know there are many clever innuendos I could make between the plot of this movie and Hollywood scraping the bottom of the barrel, but for the life of me I can€™t think of one that would work. So must soldier on with actually looking at the concept of the movie, not how many gross out puns I can make before my editor deems fit to kick me off this website. However such avoidance of the actual subject matter does little else but tell you that this film doesn€™t look very good; I had to look up that it was a supposed romantic comedy and not a rather bizarre educational film for secondary school children. Unless the main thrust of the romance narrative is indeed the relationship between a woman and her, shall we say, soother, there is very little indication of any such romance taking place short of a momentary shot of Hugh Dancy (what a name) and Maggie Gyllenhall in a close embrace, other than that it€™s thin on the ground. Similar reservations are held about the €˜comedy€™ aspect, if you shake away the hilarious notion that someone who was in Two Pints of Lager and A Packet of Crisps actually got a role in a film, there is very little comedy in this trailer. Some of this comes from a sense of disappointment, as a quick Wikipedia research on the treatment of hysteria (proper journalist) details a picture of a woman having a hosepipe blasted up her lady zone, which I maintain is a much funnier concept than having a posh man say €˜Oo a feather duster€™. Furthermore the attempts at €˜comedy€™ simply revolve around women who, whilst undergoing this new treatment, hit harmonic high notes like trained opera singers, which is both cheap, impractical and a little bit emasculating. All in all, this trailer fails in the simple fact it does not rubber stamp what this film is going to be, it does not say it is neither a comedy nor a romance film. Instead making it look like a cheeky film a group of girls would go to see without any intention of taking it in, just laughing at the subject matter whilst everyone else scratches their heads and asks why they are there. Watch it for yourselves below; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q68hfdw1dA 'Hysteria' is Open for a limited release on May 18th.

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.