"I am a false prophet" - Religious takedown again for PTA, and he hires THE MASTER to do it!!!

Phillip Seymour Hoffman will lead as a priest in PTA's next movie, a drama concerning religious faith.

I bring with me new goods, my dear faithful OWF congregation. It would seem that some of you have been saying your prayers this week and my God, Hallelujah, they have been answered! Thursday morning's Variety carries the scoop that Paul Thomas Anderson has struck a deal with Universal for his next movie, a drama concerning faith, a subject that was heavily dissected in his 2007 masterpiece There Will Be Blood. Specifically his new movie will deal with "the need to believe in a higher power, the choice of which one to embrace and the point at which a belief system graduates into a religion".Phillip Seymour Hoffman will lead as "The Master". So, we have two Hollywood powerhouses at the top of their game, teaming together for a powerful, intriguing and oh man, I really wish I could time travel two years hence, shut the world down and watch this movie now, kind of project! Hoffman will play the founder of a new religious organization in 1950s America but we should note, this is not likely to be a movie about Scientology (formed in 1952). The church is likely to be fictional. The movie will instead attempt to capture a time period where new faith-based organisations were catching on. Universal will give the greenlight for the $35 million budgeted film once they see a final script from PTA, and are happy with what they read. The Master, may very well end up being the title of the movie. Here's the key plot...

The core is the relationship between the Master and Freddie, a twentysomething drifter who becomes the leader's lieutenant. As the faith begins to gain a fervent following, Freddie finds himself questioning the belief system he has embraced, and his mentor.
Both PTA and Hoffman are no strangers to each other having worked together on Boogie Nights, Hard Eight, Magnolia and Punch-Drunk Love, and neither are either men strangers to the subject of faith. Hoffman was Oscar nominated last year for playing a suspected child molestering priest in the incredible Doubt, a movie which ends up being about a crisis of faith and why we believe in anything we don't have evidence for and PTA last helmed There Will Be Blood...

By the way, if anyone by chance has worked out a way to time travel then please let me know... I just can't bare the thought of waiting 18 months to 2 years for this.


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.