15 Devastating Documentaries That Mustn't Be Ignored

4. The Crash Reel (Lucy Walker, 2013)

An absolute feat in film-making, telling the story of a rivalry between the number 1 & 2 snowboarders in the world, Kevin Pearce and Shaun White, The Crash Reel is a hugely rewarding ordeal. The competition between the two is thrilling and as they're both nearing their primes they reign supreme in the extreme sports world, spurring each other on to learn more and more dangerous tricks, until one day in training, Kevin misjudges a landing and crashes badly into the ice. This is where the documentary takes a turn in another direction. Kevin spends time in a coma, much to the devastation of his family and as we witness his survival and recuperation, we are sent on a emotional journey with him as he insists on his return to the sport. A mixture of competition footage, home video and interviews, this really is two hours of up and down. In addition to the sharp storytelling, the film is blessed by a tremendous soundtrack and stunning visuals, and while the sport is visceral and exciting to watch, the injuries and deaths that accompany it are sobering. All together, this is a thrill of an experience, even from your arm chair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KkFZ-QC53Q

KJ Lewis is 35 years old, was able to rear three small children into three slightly bigger children and has a relatively untested and unfounded passion for writing. You can find him at Twitter: @onefistintheair or Facebook: KJ Lewis