INCEPTION locations

According to the guys that run Nolan Fans, the very secretive July 2010 released WB science fiction movie Inception has filmed in the following U.K. locations... Farnborough Airport last Friday... farnboroughcasestudy1 University College London last week. Oliver's Arrow, appears to be the fake title of the movie...

The film crew for "Oliver's Arrow" today invaded UCL's Wilkins building to film some scenes in various locations within the Main Library. Michael Caine, Leonardo di Caprio and Ellen Page were on location filming scenes in what had been dressed up (with fake signage) to be the "Bibliotheque" of the "Ecole de Architecture" in France.
20070313144043university_college_london_front_quad1 They continue...
From what we're been able to hear so far, there was a scene being shot in the Flaxman Gallery (a section of the Main Library on campus) with Leonardo DiCaprio's character being introduced to a graduate student named Ariadne (possibly Ellen Page) by Michael Caine's character. Apparently, DiCaprio's character had a job offer for her. We've also heard that some other scenes were being shot in a lecture theater, a reading room, and some other locations inside the Main Library.
The $150-$200 million project, based on Chris Nolan's original concept and script is still being kept firmly under-wraps.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.