Independence Day 2: 10 Ways To Make It Not Suck

9. Bring Roland Emmerich Back As Director

rolandemmerich600 Is he a great director? Probably not. But this is the kind of film that Emmerich knows how to make. He can make disaster on a large scale ridiculously enjoyable. We already know he€™s working with Devlin on the script, but he needs to be behind the director€™s chair as well. It's very likely that this will happen, but until it's been 100% confirmed, this is one of the biggest musts on the list. Emmerich is a confectioner, and whenever Independence Day 2 does come out, it€™ll be slated as one of the biggest releases of that summer. It needs a director that knows how to give the audience what it wants, and Emmerich is that man. He€™s the reason that watching The Day After Tomorrow and 2012 on mute is just as exciting as watching them with sound. Having anyone else behind the helm of the film would just be wrong.

David Braga lives in Boston, MA, where he watches movies, football, and enjoys a healthy amount of beer. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it.