Independence Day 2: 10 Ways To Make It Not Suck

6. Give Us a Full Scale Invasion

CORRECT SIZE Id4 Invasion When Goldblum and Smith flew into the mothership at the end of the original film, we saw preparations being made for what looked like an all out, full scale invasion of planet Earth. In the sequel, let€™s see that invasion. For all the damage they caused in the first film, the aliens kept a relatively safe distance from the humans, holed up in their space ships. This time, let€™s get them on the ground in an all out war with humanity. Adding a full scale invasion into the plot could create some really great scenes. Combat in the streets of partially rebuilt cities. Humans hiding out while the invaders patrolled the area, looking for survivors. Without putting the aliens on the ground, Independence Day 2 runs the risk of essentially becoming a remake of the original. It doesn€™t need to be an extension, it needs to be an expansion. The best way to do that is throw in an invasion and a no holds barred, all out war for survival.

David Braga lives in Boston, MA, where he watches movies, football, and enjoys a healthy amount of beer. It's a tough life, but someone has to live it.