Interstellar: 10 Big Questions You Still Have

3. Was The Fifth Dimension Natural Or Human Induced?

If you ejected yourself into a black hole you'd not make it anywhere close to the centre. This is where the "fi" part of sci-fi really comes into Interstellar - after a lot of grounded science-fact Interstellar jumps gleefully into the unknown with the singularity. And, just as the logic of its time-flow is uncertain, the exact reasoning behind what Cooper experiences in the black hole is vague. Realising that the beings who have been helping humans are not aliens, but us from a distant future, Cooper appears to assume this whole experience has been orchestrated by a higher power in the same way he's just helped Murph. This makes the trip into the singularity something incredibly similar to 2001's stargate; just as Bowman isn't just going inside the monolith, Cooper isn't actually inside the singularity. But that is a mind-f**k in its own right. As TARS is able to discern the key to the gravity equation, clearly they are at the centre of the black hole, meaning this could just be what happens when you venture into one. Potential Answer: Taking a bit of both you get a somewhat logical (in the film world) explanation - Cooper is being helped through the singularity by future humans. But that's still highly contentious.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.