Overall, I was very impressed with
Iron Man 3. I'm a die-hard comic book fan who wasn't
particularly impressed with
The Dark Knight Rises or any of the
X-Men movies, so for me to be impressed by it generally means it's doing something right - and in this case it got most things right. Of that there is no doubt. But it wasn't perfect. I may be being picky, but I did think that some aspects of the movie could have been handled better. Shane Black took over the directorial reins and the movie certainly had a different
feel to it, in comparison to the previous Iron Man instalments, but that didn't take anything away from the quality of the movie. However, it definitely had some problems and to write a balanced article I'm going to look at both the positive and negative aspects of the movie. So, without further ado, here are 5 things Iron Man 3 got right and 5 things it got wrong (for those of you who are yet to see the movie, this article contains spoilers)...