Iron Man 4: 10 Things That Must Happen

6. Vision

Speaking of Age Of Ultron and speculation on such, the Vision totally has to be in Iron Man 4? The android member of the Avengers is to be placed by English actor Paul Bettany, who actually already has a role in the MCU: he's been the voice of Tony Stark's personal Artificial Intelligence computer program, JARVIS (short for Just a Rather Very Intelligent System). So far Bettany's appearances as JARVIS have been a fun Easter egg for eagle-eared movie fans, but with Age Of Ultron he'll be upgraded to an actual star, a full-fledge member of the Avengers. Presumably, anyway. We suppose there's a chance he'll just be the team's long-suffering butler, which is what the all-too-human Jarvis of the comic books got up to. More likely, however, is he'll be the same Vision of the comics: an android created by Ultron to infiltrate the Avengers and destroy them from the inside. Which doesn't actually pan out, since this new robot turns out quite nice, and eventually winds up marrying the Scarlet Witch. Just as Ultron will be casting a shadow over Iron Man 4 so should the Vision, since he's the creation of Tony Stark's creation. We'd even like if there was a new spin on the buddy cop dynamic between Tony and his pal James Rhodes, with the Vision throwing a spanner in the works as Tony Stark's new sidekick, who doesn't question his methods or criticise him quite so often. We like rooting for the underdog, too, so we're just hopeful Bettany which actually get to appear on-screen in an Iron Man film at some point.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at