Iron Man 4: 10 Things That Must Happen

4. Less (Or More?) Suits

Chances are that won't happen, however. Marvel Studios aren't as risk-averse as a lot of their fellow Hollywood giants - as evidenced by their readiness to make weird, obscure titles like Guardians Of The Galaxy into movies - but they'll still wanna try their best to cling onto Robert Downey Jr. He's not only a huge star, but also somewhat totemic for Marvel, since he was the star of their first proper hit as an independent studio. Well, relatively independent. But definitely not a relative hit, since the first film made a cool $600 million, and box office receipts have only gone up with each instalment. So, chances are, if and when an Iron Man 4 happens, it'll star Robert Downey Jr. It pretty much has to at this point. But what will he be wearing...? We see it going either one of two ways. The standard for Iron Man movies so far has been introducing an upgrade to the titular armour with each film - or possibly multiple upgrades in each film - culminating in Tony summoning a whole army of different Iron Man suits to help him defeat Aldrich Killian at the end of the third movie. They were fun, weren't they? Except they all got blown up. So we see Iron Man 4 continuing in that tradition, with Tony boasting a special armour for any conceivable scenario (also good for merchandising opportunities), or else paring things down a little with a single suit of armour. Perhaps even the modern innovation of the armour which forms itself around Stark on a molecular level, rather than a traditional robotic "suit" he puts on. That would be rad.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at