Reasons to Remake...
1. The Story is Pretty Flexible
Physical comedy can often be reduced down to individuals being confused by conveniently placed objects. But while the props in a farce often need to be very specific, the time period or setting for these props is more negotiable. In other words, you wouldnt have to set a remake in the same location or time period as the original. The story of
The Party, like most farces, is simple in its content but elaborate in its execution. The film involves a bumbling actor being accidentally invited to an A-list party in Hollywood and causing havoc with everything from the toilets to the dinner table and even a small elephant. The detail lies in the execution of each joke, and ensuring that the humour builds to an appropriate climax. In that sense, theres not a great deal about the story that you could do wrong; you wont upset people by leaving the elephant out, so long as what replaces it is funny.