UPDATE:Jalopnik says the ad is actually for Honda and it we will see it in full at the SuperBowl. The Hangover writer/director
Todd Phillips shot it;
"the spot going to mimic much of the original film, except this time prominently featuring Hondas. The big jump the two valets do in Cameron's dad's Ferrari? We hear this time it's going to be a Honda CR-V." Traveling like lightning across every Facebook account today is a 1o second video that has been blowing the minds of many and leaping from inbox to inbox. Check out our favourite truant
Ferris Bueller (granted, a somewhat older
Matthew Broderick) in this tantalizing clip about bunking off on work; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyI-aDs6nCc Of course the very first Chinese-whisper to begin spreading is that we can expect a surprise sequel for the classic 80's cult hit on the horizon. There have been many rumours across the years of a follow-upgoing through development yet none ever came to fruition. Even Matthew Broderick stated years ago that it just wasn't the kind of story that could have a sequel. To add to the mystery the clip finishes with the date 5th of February 2012 - the Superbowl. So is this a hint at the release of the trailer for the completely secretive and never-leaked film in progress during America's equivalent of the World Cup final? With no information anywhere on the net I find it hard to believe that a film with such a dedicated following could go into production without a slip or leak somewhere. I'm getting myself ready for another million-plus YouTube phenomena Super Bowl advertisement. What better way to sell something than with one of the greatest symbols of 80's consumerism? If they did make a sequel what would happen in it? Give me all of your Bueller-groupie ideas!