It Chapter 1 & 2: Every Monster Explained & Ranked

4. The Stanley Spider

It Chapter 1 Stanley Uris
Warner Bros.

As a fairly universal truth, people really do not like spiders. It doesn't matter how charming said spider might be, they're just too creepy and too crawly to ever get any sort of brand reinvention, and it should come as no surprise that It's final form is spider-like.

It's not the only time that It takes on a spidery appearance though and it's also not the scariest. That accolade goes to the vision of Stanley that it conjures as the Losers return to the haunted house. He once more borrows the body stuffed in the old fridge motif and then has Stanley's head roll off, which is always a nice touch.

From there, it gets worse as the strangely animate head sprouts legs spontaneously - including one, particularly grimly, out of his eye. The monstrosity then scuttles about trying to bite the Losers (and almost manages to take one victim in Richie when Eddie is frozen in fear).


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