It Chapter 2: 15 Insane Hidden Details You Definitely Missed

11. The Original Loser

Here's Pennywise DO NOT USE
Warner Bros.

When we first meet Ben as an adult, we see him leading a board meeting discussing a new architecture project with clients and his executives. It's a bit of a weird moment because Ben's company is pitching the design to the clients, but Ben takes it upon himself to reject his company's own pitch and suggest a different design entirely, which is a bold move.

Anyway, the scene sets up the reveal that Ben is thin and beautiful now by presenting a more portly, normal looking man as the head of the company as a red herring before switching to reveal Ben has joined the meeting via Skype.

But the guy we thought was Ben actually was Ben, in a way. He's played by Brandon Crane, who played Ben in the 1990 adaptation. So you can be forgiven for thinking he looks familiar.


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