It’s Official - Movie Comedies Are DEAD

2. Where Are The New Comedy Stars?

Wedding Crashers Will Ferrell

Even accepting that the very notion of the movie star has basically died on the vine, one has to ask - where are the new comedy stars?

While there are countless talented comedians who have been given their own streaming stand-up specials, there's a massive void of successful comedians transitioning into movies.

Less than a decade ago it was still commonplace for SNL alums to leave the show and launch lucrative movie careers, but in recent times it's just not happening. 

Yet it may simply be that the proposition just isn't appealing enough for modern comedians. 

With streamers willing to pay millions of dollars for stand-up shows, and on-the-rise comedians able to more successfully build their brand through social media and podcasting, why would they want to spend considerably more time making a big studio movie, likely for much less money?

It's a trend that doesn't seem likely to reverse any time soon, at which point we have to finally ask - can comedy movies be saved at all?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.