James Cameron: Ranking His Films From Worst To Best

4. True Lies (1994)

True Lies is often overlooked when discussing the groundbreaking cinematic career of James Cameron, which as a shame as it remains the most light-hearted and downright enjoyable entry in his filmography. Belying his tyrannical reputation to create a fun-filled spy caper, True Lies is anchored by a career-best performance from Arnold Schwarzenegger and a Golden Globe-winning turn from Jamie Lee Curtis. One of the best action movies of the 1990's, True Lies delivers action and humor by the bucketload, although the plot's constant twists and turns can bog down the story on occasion. The basic story centers around Arnie's spy questionably using government resources to find out if his wife is having an affair, before the duo become involved with a terrorist plot to detonate a nuclear weapon. Although Art Malik's villain is painfully two-dimensional, the rest of the supporting cast get plenty of time to shine, especially a scene-stealing Bill Paxton. The movie's action scenes are expertly staged with tongue firmly in cheek, and each set-piece is wildly different from the last. Arnie's horseback chase through a building is ridiculous but played for laughs, the highway chase is nothing short of incredible (and features some brave stunt-work from Curtis), and the sight of The Austrian Oak dispensing one-liners while piloting a Harrier jet has to be seen to be believed. Besides the action, there are plenty of memorable one-liners, and how can we forget Arnie doing the tango or Jamie Lee Curtis' iconic dance scene? It's a shame that James Cameron hasn't delivered a straight-up action flick since True Lies, because it's one of the best around.

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