James McAvoy: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Max Lewinsky - Welcome To The Punch

Welcome To The Punch1 Welcome To The Punch is as by the numbers as any other dumb, brash and pompous action film. Utilising the tired cop thriller tropes, the film never surpasses anything but adequate, despite a strong cast. The problem with this, then? Everyone involved seems to recognise that this is a pointless endeavour. Mark Strong - playing the counterpoint to McAvoy€™s character Max - exudes a stoic disposition in the hope that this will make the film more menacing. Sadly, it doesn€™t. McAvoy€™s performance is strangely morose, with the actor looking desperate to try and push himself further into the Hollywood-action star role. Acting gloomy and miserable doesn€™t evoke anything if the audience cannot connect with the character their following, though. Instead, McAvoy is forced to shout and complain about various injuries, further proving that roles like this just don't suit him. He's far more comfortable (like most actors) playing characters who actually develop over the course of a movie, and with a healthy dose of charisma, too. The whole thing just falls entirely flat here, though, and is awkward to watch as a result.

Currently in my 3rd year studying for a BA in English Literature & Film at Edinburgh Napier University. Twitter - @niallmcloughlin