Jaws Vs. Deep Blue Sea: A Shark Showdown

10. The One Liners

url-17 Ah, the one liner. Whether they are a quick quip joke or the last words to a maniacal killer, every movie has them, and everybody loves them. And as it stands, Jaws has a lot of them. I already went over the intelligent dialogue, but it is the one liners that really up the ante for its entertainment value. There really are too many classic lines to list, but the iconic lines: €œYou€™re gonna need a bigger boat€ and €œSmile you son of a bitch€ have been cemented in pop culture for nearly forty years. The fact that nearly every film buff out there, myself included, will have one of these lines on a shirt is testament enough to how classic they really are. Coupled with lesser known little quips, such as Brody and Hooper€™s hilarious argument with the Mayor, Quint€™s €œthe head, the tail, the whole damn thing€ line and the many insults he throws at Hooper, and you find Jaws as one of the best films for very entertaining, one-liner driven dialogue. Deep Blue Sea also has its fair share of the funny lines. Chef Preacher is ahead on this game, with the stand out line belonging to him - after one of the sharks eats his precious parrot and activates a gas oven, Preacher flips open a lighter and, with deadpan delivery, exclaims €œYou ate ma bird,€ before lobbing the flame. So Brody may have had the better line, but that guy took out the shark with a freaking lighter! Unfortunately, the other characters let the side down a little. There isn€™t much that is truly memorable, and as he goes to kill the final fish for good, Preacher himself does nothing more than let out a little grunt, although he does make up for it a little too late with €œBring me some sushi.€ So all in all, my unhealthy fascination with the one-liners of a film is Deep Blue Sea€™s downfall. It was always going to be Jaws taking home the prize on this one, yet I had no idea how close it would be or how similar two of the best shark films out there were at their core until I started writing this article. Here€™s the final tally: Final Score: Jaws (6) Deep Blue Sea (4) This article is more of a test than anything to see if this sort of thing is what people want to see. If you enjoyed this article and would like to see more Movie Showdowns in the future, then please comment below and let me know. Similarly, if you have any improvements to give me, or suggestions for future movie showdowns, don€™t be afraid to yell them in my face.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.