Joe Johnston Wants To Make a BOBA FETT Star Wars Film!
Captain America director has pitched a Star Wars spin-off involving the ruthless bounty hunter to George Lucas but he's got a fight on his hands to make it happen!

Im trying to get George to make a feature based on Boba Fett.Star Wars fans will of course know that Johnston and Boba Fett have history. In fact they go wayyyyy back - Johnston was working as a concept artist and special effects technician on George Lucas' groundbreaking trilogy when he designed the character and also the Millennium Falcon, Yoda among other things. Johnston went on to win an Oscar for visual effects on Raiders of the Lost Ark before becoming a filmmaker in his own right making The Rocketeer, Jumanji, Jurassic Park 3, Hidalgo, The Wolf Man and most recently Captain America. He hasn't worked with George Lucas in over a decade since co-helming The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Spring Break Adventure but now the Star Wars prequels are a well distant memory (though they will be revived in the soon to be released Blu-rays) he perhaps thinks the time is right to pitch a Boba Fett movie I imagine he has wanted to make for years.