Joel Edgerton: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. Gawain - King Arthur

Often there's only so much even a great actor can do with the material he's given (unless you have the ego of a star like Russell Crowe, in which case you believe you can make any sh*t sound amazing). This was certainly the case with King Arthur, in which Edgerton does very little other than look ruggedly handsome. Directed by the king of the mediocre, mid-budget action movie Antoine Fuqua (who began his directing career ruining any chance Chow Yun-fat had of being a big star in the West with the risible The Replacement Killers), it stars Clive Owen as Arthur, with Edgerton in a supporting role as one of his knights, Gawain. It's a generically moody performance which barely registers once the film has finished, but Edgerton isn't entirely to blame - other great actors starring alongside him, including Mads Mikkelson and Ray Winstone, are similarly unmemorable in their roles in what is ultimately a completely forgettable movie.

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