Joker: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

1. Arthur Fleck

Joker Trailer
Warner Bros.

Take away everyone else on this list and Joker would still be a great film. It might lack some narrative depth, but watching Joaquin Phoenix explore the performance in even more detail would not be a bad thing.

The final testament to how good he is is that this subtle, nuanced, incredibly layered performance should and very much could land him a Best Actor award at the Oscars next year. If he doesn't win it will be because of a stunning performance in the next few months that we haven't seen yet.

Phoenix is horribly watchable, a visceral embodiment of a man born out of trauma. His physical performance, helped gruesomely by his dramatic weight loss is mesmerising and the way he switches between layers of performance (as his characters, rather than in acting terms) is utterly brilliant.

Which of Joker's characters did you like best? Share your assessments below in the comments thread.


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