Joker: Every Easter Egg & Reference We Spotted

21. Cameo: Todd Phillips

Joker Joaquin Phoenix Todd Phillips
Warner Bros.

Writer-director Todd Phillips makes a brief cameo in the film, though without knowing what he looks like - or especially what he sounds like - you'll have virtually no chance of spotting it.

Before Arthur goes on-stage at the Pogo's comedy club, the comedian before him can be heard making a crack about women treating sex like buying a car, while men treat it like parking a car.

We see only a brief, distant visual of Phillips, but the voice is unmistakably his for anyone who's ever heard him speak.

This isn't a new trick for the filmmaker either, having previously appeared in half of his movies, memorably playing the foot fetish creeper in Road Trip and a recurring character called Mr. Creepy in the first two Hangover movies.

Between these roles and his Joker part, he clearly loves casting himself as total sleazebags.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.