Joker Origin Movie: 7 Comic Storylines DC Could Adapt

1. The Joker's Five Way Revenge

Joker Five Way Revenge
DC Comics/Neal Adams

The Joker's Five Way Revenge is one of, if not the most important Batman story every published. Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams pretty much reinvented the character's mythos when they were handed the keys to his comic back during the burgeoning moments of the medium's Bronze Age, with their reintroduction of the Clown Prince perhaps ranking among the run's biggest accomplishments.

The story, apart from providing the definitive image of the Clown Prince for a generation, returned the character to his homicidal roots, reminded The Dark Knight of his importance and provided a tone that would dominate the character's comics for decades to come. If this latest film were to opt for a non-linear route, then, utilising the two comics that have influenced the villain the most (Killing Joke, as well as this one) would be a surefire way of providing a uniquely compelling narrative.

If the DCEU has proven anything so far, it's that looking to only one source of inspiration when adapting a comic book is a big mistake. The franchise wears Frank Miller on its sleeve and it's worse off for it.

However, should this new series of films take a different approach - one that takes into account the decades' worth of history these characters have built up - they could be set to boast an appeal the DCEU is yet to find. Five Way Revenge is the path to that appeal, and in borrowing bits of pieces from various other Joker tales, this particular feature could yet be the Clown Prince's best.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.