Judd Apatow casts Eric Bana in his part autobiographical comedy?

Ok, so we know Judd Apatow is a big fan of Munich. Or at least we know that he wrote a character that was a big fan of Munich, which in turn most likely means he enjoyed it too. Or maybe he just used it for comedic value and has never even seen the movie?

Ah well. We know that he is aware of Munich at the very least...

The word from CHUD is that Bana is in talks with Apatow for his next movie, which we found out a few days ago would revolve around a stand-up comedian and would be part semi biographical from the comedy genius.Now here's something I didn't know which adds just that extra veritas to the possible rumor and casting. Bana started life in Australia as a stand up comedian! PERFECT!If talks are true, Bana has been offered a big role... playing husband to Leslie Mann. Also on board are Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen but the title of the film is as yet unknown.


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.