OOOh, this movie looks a little different doesn't it? Part Saturday morning cartoon (yeah seriously), part postcard to the world, part FX crazy...
Jumper stars two of the
Star Wars prequels alumni... Hayden Christensen and Samuel L. Jackson in a sci-fi movie about a guy who can transport himself to any place in the world. The film comes from Doug Liman, the man who brought us
The Bourne Identity, the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie vanity project
Mr. and Mrs. Smith and the two very under-rated movies
Swingers and
Go. He's capable in the right genre but I fear this isn't made for me. Looks like kiddie version of
National Treasure, with some cheesy sci-fi that gets very old very quickly. Christensen, Jamie Bell, Rachel Blison and even a white haired Big Sam, just don't look interesting at all, Most of all it just looks BORING! Though, I love that the dude has a classic English phone box in his living room and maybe when my rental company mails it to me this time next year, I will give it a spin. I won't be Jumping to the cinema for this...