Jurassic Park: 10 Deadliest Dinosaurs

10. Gallimimus

In Real Life: As enthusiasts both of awesome movies and prehistory will know, Gallimimus was not the most vicious creature ever to walk the earth and be bitten by a mosquito. Omnivorous rather than a full-fledged meatasaurus, Gallimimus wasn€™t even particularly large. All dinos considered, a single Gallimimus would not have been the most terrifying. In The Films: On screen, Gallimimus as a species raises its fright quotient considerably by sticking together. As it turns out, one comparatively diminutive dinosaur can be made downright terrifying when multiplied by a dozen and sent into a frenzied flight from a larger predator. MVP Moment: As the exhausted Dr. Grant tries to return to the visitors€™ centre with the equally exhausted kids, he is fascinated to spot the group of Gallimimus flocking their way. Lex and Tim are less fascinated by the prospect of being attacked by the second species of dinosaur in less than a day and flee before they can be trampled to death by the stampede. Confirmed Kills: 0 - but 3 very close calls

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .