Jurassic Park Cast: Where Are They Now?

20. Martin Ferrero

His Role In the Trilogy: Donald Gennaro, the lawyer sent to inspect the park who was eaten by the Tyrannosaurus rex in the original film. In the Years That Followed: After appearing in Jurassic Park, Ferrero spent the next few years turning up on shows like Nash Bridges, The Practice and The X-Files, and in films such as Barry Sonnenfeld's Get Shorty, Michael Mann's Heat and Bill Condon's Gods and Monsters. As of 2015: Since the turn of the century, Ferrero has been pretty quiet when it comes to film and television roles, with his last notable credits being in the direct-to-video Air Bud 3 way back in 2001 and a reprisal of his Gennaro role for a CollegeHumor video in 2011.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!