Jurassic World: 10 Reasons Why It’s Such A Huge Success

3. A Proper Popcorn Flick

You needn€™t be too concerned by the smattering of doom-mongers heralding the death of cinema: people have been writing off the pictures since before the Lumiere brothers even breathed their last. That being said, the high-def age of oversized TV screens has had an unquestionable impact on global ticket receipts. With miniature movie theatres in their own homes and an ever-closing window between cinema and DVD/digital releases, most people are less inclined to rush out to the cinema than was once the case. The escalating costs of a family day out at the flicks are also increasingly prohibitive, yet some films downright demand the biggest available screen. Films like Jurassic World. Simply put, Colin Trevorrow€™s film is the epitome of an experience you can€™t do justice in the comfort of your own home (unless your home has a sizeable cinema in it). The sheer scale of dinosaurs crashing around deserves a large canvas, perhaps even a 3D enhancement €“ if you see it as one €“ or an IMAX splurge. Add to the mix the fact that Jurassic World is a family-friendly affair, suitable for almost ages by default, and its remarkable impact at the global box office becomes a little easier to understand.

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