Jurassic World: 10 Things That Completely Ruined Fallen Kingdom

1. The Ending

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

The ending of Fallen Kingdom should have been incredible. After saving a few remaining dinosaurs and bringing them over to America, the sequel ends with the animals being let loose into society, forcing humanity to live with their decision to mess with genetics and live alongside their creations.

All of the best scenes shown off in the trailer - the dino about to chow down on some unknowing surfers, the lion roaring with the T-Rex - come from this final montage, and it does genuinely set up the inevitable third film well. Unfortunately, it can only happen after one of the dumbest decisions in cinematic history.

After the Indoraptor is killed, it's revealed that the rest of the dinosaurs are about to be poisoned to death, giving the heroes a dilemma: let them die and reset the natural order, or let them loose and potentially put innocent people at risk of being gobbled up by a T-Rex.

They decide they can't free them, but Masie goes rogue and lets them loose anyway. Consequently, the dinos proceed to do everything we feared they would, immediately killing the first people they come into contact with.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3