Jurassic World: 10 Things That Completely Ruined Fallen Kingdom

5. How Boring The Indoraptor Is

Jurassic World

After so many Jurassic Park movies, it seems as though Universal no longer have faith in the classic dinosaurs being able to headline the franchise. Instead, they've decided to create their own dinos with each new instalment, the latest being the Indoraptor, a genetic combination of the original Jurassic World's Indominus Rex and a velociraptor.

Not only is the movie once again relying on yet another plot about evil businessmen playing God and creating their own ultimate predator, but the Indoraptor itself feels barely like a footnote on the movie overall. The animal is talked about all the way through the flick, with characters constantly repeating how it's the most sophisticated animal on the planet, yet you never feel the tension you're supposed to.

It's a prime example of the need for movies to show and not tell, as that menace is never actually conveyed by the creature itself, even when it's inevitably let loose.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3