Jurassic World: 11 Easter Eggs And Hints On The Website

4. Very Possibly The Worst Safety Message Of All Time

Obviously having electric fences is a good thing when you've got dinosaurs a few metres away from the things they like to eat, but surely you wouldn't need a sign that says do not touch these fences. Surely the fences are away from the public entirely? Otherwise, how the hell did the place pass any safety inspections? The safety boasts on the website look like they're asking for trouble, but it might be a similar catalyst that leads to whatever disaster we're going to see: a storm. The trailer included a look inside the InGen control room, and to the right of the screen is this storm front...
Combining that with the cheeky "Don't let the rain scare you off" message and that's some likely foreshadowing. According to the Masrani website, an estimated 35% of the power on Isla Nublar is solar-powered, which would fit with the idea that a storm could be an issue.

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