Jurassic World 2 Super Bowl Trailer Reactions: 5 Ups & 3 Downs


5. Dino Home Invasion

Jurassic World Foot

Well, partly at least...

The start of the trailer seems to suggest that we're going to see some sort of dinosaur home invasion. We've seen that before to a certain extent in Jurassic Park II, but it was fudged and played too much for comedy, but the idea of the dinosaurs being monsters in the horror movie tradition is particularly compelling.

Who doesn't want to see the dinosaur threat reinvented in a totally different way? Hopefully, that doesn't mean human/dino genetic abominations will be knocking on doors and scaring everyone, but a return to the simple, terrifying threat of the raptors stalking Lex and Tim in the kitchen is glorious.

That's what Jurassic Park should be.


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